Text Welcome Words


Sunday, April 6, 2008

4 o'clock in the morning...

Back in 2007, in oridnary days like this, I only get up from bed 5:30 to 6:00 in the morning. Then, I can stay long as late as 11:30 PM and wake up 4:00 in the morning if there are important things to do, 6:00 if there is nothing important. But now all had changed.

Since January this year when we temporarily moved to my maternal grandparent's house because our house was demolished and currently constructed the 11 became as early as 8 in the evening and 4 in the morning is the permanent time to wake up. What can I do we are in a bario, unlike if you are in the city proper that you can wake up as late as 6:30.

At 4:00 my grandfather is already awake to do his ritual in his throne (can you get me?). I can't help but to wake up also because I am disturb for my ears are very sensitive when sleeping. After doing his restroom habit then he afterwards start cooking rice. Me I am awake already but still at bed thinking for my schedules for the day.

Then after five o'clock the chickens, dogs, pigs, every animal in the place becomes very noisy. So I have to get up also. Usually just sitting at the living room starting morning prayers or having a spiritual readings, books. Then after having this I need to help to do the chores. I usually get the traditional floor polisher, scrub as they call it and polish the floor. What can I do? If I will not move for sure my mother will get angry with me again, saying an endless holmily (talo pa si father).

In 2007 I have my internet connection in our house, just click on the computer. But now I can only use the web when I am in the city proper because I am using SmartBro (no commercial) and unfortunately there is no reception in the bario.

Well, maybe the Lord had temporarily put me to this situation so that I can somewhat learn again although since I was a child I was already trained for house works that is why I can just cook what ever I want, I can do everything except pamamlatsa! I cannot really do this job.

When I was in the elementary I always sas that it will be a good thing if our house was far away in my school so that there will be no explanation if I will be late (naughty boy). But now I realize how hard it is that your house is far. You need to wake up early to prepare to go to school (especially this college I really need to sacrifice). You cannot just go back to your house and get something because it is far. I realize now that for years this was the sacrifices that my schoolmates whose houses are far away from school makes everyday.

It is difficult but it is for me to adjust. This is only a little sacrifice. And I know that God will help me especially that I will be a sophomore next school year because this year level is the most critical stage for an English Major like me because the retention polisy is strictest in this year.

And this summer I am jailed in a house TTHSat and can only have freedom MWFSun. What a unfortunate summer. But I still thank the Lord because I am in that house close to Mother Nature and with all of God's creatures.

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